Restaurante El pescador Fornells en Menorca

The Best Lobster Stew in Fornells

The Main Ingredient: The Lobster from Fornells

Detalle de la caldereta de Langosta en Fornells

You might wonder why everyone says you must go to Fornells to try the lobster stew. One of the main reasons is the quality of the lobster from this area of the island.

Fornells is home to expert fishermen who have been catching lobster for years. These lobsters live in rocky seabeds battered by strong winds during the winter. These conditions give Fornells lobsters a lot of substance and an intense seafood flavor.

This is why we can say that not all lobster stews taste the same. Besides the quality of the lobster, the quality of each and every ingredient is also important.

In our case, we always use Menorcan lobster, specifically from Fornells.

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The History of the Lobster Stew, the Most Iconic Dish of Fornells Bay

In the early 20th century, it was primarily a dish for the island’s humbler classes, usually fishermen and their families. Today, it is reserved for special occasions, which contrasts with its origins at the beginning of the century.

It is called “Caldereta” because a clay pot or cauldron is used for its preparation. A sofrito of vegetables from local gardens was made in it, and then fresh Menorcan lobster was added for cooking. This clay pot also imparts a special flavor to this delicious dish.

Detalle de Caldereta de langosta en Fornells frente al mar

Don’t miss out! Reserve your table now during the high season.
Our staff speak English, German, and French.

Don’t miss out! Reserve your table now during the high season.
Our staff speak English, German, and French.

Detalle de la caldereta de langosta en Fornells Menorcxa

Which Restaurant Was the First to Cook Lobster Stew?

The first restaurant was Can Burdó, which was located exactly where our Restaurant “El Pescador” is now. It was here, in the mid-20th century, that this dish began, and it became popular among both locals and visitors to Menorca. Today, it is undoubtedly the typical dish of Fornells Bay and the entire island.

Discover the Traditional Recipe of Fornells: Lobster Stew

The caldereta is a dish of national gastronomy, as you can see in this link. The Menorcan version, specifically the one from Fornells, is one of the best in Spain.

But let’s get to the point… What ingredients does the famous lobster stew contain?

Reseta de la sabrosa Caldereta de langosta de Fornells

Don’t miss out! Reserve your table now during the high season.
Our staff speak English, German, and French.

Lobster Stew Recipe: Necessary Ingredients for Preparing Lobster Stew

To make this recipe, the first and only thing you will find in Fornells is the lobster itself, which, as we mentioned, is very flavorful and substantial due to the strong winds and the seabed topography of the Fornells coast.

2 kg of lobster
1/2 large onion
1/2 green pepper
3 cloves of garlic
1 kg of tomato
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt to taste
Toasted bread

Preparation of Lobster Stew

First, we start with the sofrito, using ingredients from the island, which we cook slowly for hours. The quality of this sofrito, combined with the quality of the Fornells lobster, will ensure the stew’s success.

We prepare and heat a pot with oil. Add the onion, garlic, and pepper. After a few minutes, and before they soften, add the tomato, water, and salt to taste.

Meanwhile, prepare the lobster. Take the live lobster and separate the head from the body. Make sure to keep all the juices, viscera, and roe from the head. We will later use these to make a seafood sauce with a mortar, which will be added to the stew. It’s important to use live lobster to retain its freshness and achieve the best flavor.

Once the lobster is cleaned of sand, cut it into medallions by sectioning through the rings, and add it to the sofrito. Let it cook for about 1.5 hours until it reaches the desired point.

While it is cooking, use a mortar to prepare the “picada.” Add the viscera and roe from the lobster’s head, a finely chopped clove of garlic, a little oil, and parsley, and crush until the seafood paste gains consistency. Once the paste is ready, let it rest.

A few minutes before finishing the preparation, add the paste to the stew, stir, and your Lobster Stew will be ready to serve at the table. Once served, accompany it with toasted bread.

Lobster stew is a simple recipe that can be enjoyed any day without waiting for special occasions.

Wines That Pair Well with Lobster Stew

Since lobster stew is a Menorcan recipe, we recommend enjoying it with a good white wine from the region. There are several options, but here we highlight two:

A magnificent white wine from Bodega de Favarix.
The delicious white wine from Bodega de Binitord.

Don’t miss out! Reserve your table now during the high season.
Our staff speak English, German, and French.

Don’t miss out! Reserve your table now during the high season.
Our staff speak English, German, and French.

Conoce más nuestro  restaurante en Fornells

Directions on How to Get There. Your Lobster Stew Is Waiting for You.